Thanks for Sharing

Curated by Jen López

I, like most Americans am inundated with sharing. It takes seconds to share. For better or worse, my networks generate the vast majority of the visual, political and cultural content I see. The artists in this collection of videos were selected because for years I have admired their work and their sensibility has influenced me in some way and what they care to share consistently displays one of two qualities that I prefer to see: Poetics and Things that Make Me Laugh.

To the artists: The world can be a bitter and disappointing place some days, but you guys surprise me, remind me, teach me, inspire me and crack me up! Thank you for your contributions to this project. Thanks for sharing.

Jen López lives in Chicago, Illinois and completed her MFA in Fiber and Material Studies from The School of The Art Institute of Chicago in 2004. She is a recovering academic, makes art for pleasure, curates for fun and the majority of the time is a champion of artisan cheese.